UK finance minister Hunt says the economy has turned the corner

It has been a difficult few yearsBut today's growth figures are proof that the economy is returning to full health for the first time since the pandemicThe March report was certainly an encouraging one, feeding into the Q1 figures overall. If anything, it affords the BOE more flexibility in terms of keeping rates higher for longer. But at the same time, it invites the thought: Is the US still the cleanest shirt among the dirty laundry? This article was written by Justin Low at

UK finance minister Hunt says the economy has turned the corner
  • It has been a difficult few years
  • But today's growth figures are proof that the economy is returning to full health for the first time since the pandemic

The March report was certainly an encouraging one, feeding into the Q1 figures overall. If anything, it affords the BOE more flexibility in terms of keeping rates higher for longer. But at the same time, it invites the thought: Is the US still the cleanest shirt among the dirty laundry?

This article was written by Justin Low at