Indian companies garnered Rs 9.41 lakh crore through the issuance of bonds on a private placement basis in 2023-24, a surge of 10 per cent from the preceding fiscal amid surge in credit demand.
The 2024-25 fiscal is expected to be very robust as companies will continue to raise capital for capex post-election results.
"In an unprecedented era of economic development aided by pro-business reforms and macroeconomic stability, India is set to become the third largest economy globally by 2027 and will continue to see strong flows.
"In this backdrop, we expect FY25 to also be a very strong year from a primary capital perspective as companies will continue to look to raise capital for capex post-election results," Neha Agarwal, Managing Director & Head of Equity Capital Markets at JM Financial Ltd, said.
According to data compiled by Prime Database, the amount raised through debt private placement in 2023-24 stood at Rs 9.41 lakh crore, up 10 per cent from Rs 8.52 lakh crore in 2022-23.
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