How to Start a Travel Blog

Are you in the travel and tourism industry, find out how to start a travel blog so you can build your brand and engage with your audience.

How to Start a Travel Blog

how to start a travel blog

A travel blog is a great way to document your travels, share your experiences, and show the amazing destinations you’re visiting. Becoming a successful travel blogger is all about creating great content for users on a consistent basis. Once you establish a travel blog and a following, you can find ways to monetize it and grow your channel. Let’s go through how to start a travel blog and how to make money blogging.

Starting a Travel Blog in 13 Simple Steps

Starting your own travel blog isn’t as hard as it might seem. You can create a brand new blog in a few simple steps and optimize for Google search to increase your reach. We’ll go through some of the steps successful travel bloggers have taken to start their blogs and how you can create successful blogs.

1. Learn Everything You Can About Travel Blogging

Before starting with a blog and blogging platform, establish a solid foundation for your blog by taking courses. You can take a travel blogging course specifically and general freelance writing courses depending on the medium you choose for your travel blog.

You might want to familiarize yourself with successful travel bloggers and understand their journey and the challenges they faced. Their insights can give you a real-world perspective on what it’s like to be a travel blogger and the pitfalls to avoid. There’s also a wealth of written and video resources available online that can offer practical advice on starting a travel blog and making it successful.

2. Choose a Niche

A general blog can get lost in the competition. What is the best way to differentiate? Choose a niche when creating your personal brand. The niche will depend on the types of trips and your interests, but some examples include solo travel, budget travel, luxury travel, off-the-beaten-path, and more for your travel blog theme.

Once you have chosen a niche, stick to it. Consistency in your content helps to establish your authority in that particular area and can help you attract a loyal audience. Remember, it’s not about appealing to everyone; it’s about carving out a specific space in the travel blogging world and becoming an expert within that.

3. Look at Your Competition

Once you’ve selected a niche, take a look at what other travel blogs are doing and how professional travel bloggers are building their following. Some things to note are how often they post, what kind of content seems to get them more engagement, and how they interact with followers on social media platforms.

Understanding their content strategy, how they approach storytelling, and what kind of visuals they use can also provide you with inspiration and ideas for your own blog. It can also help you identify gaps in their content that you can fill, providing a unique offering that sets you apart from the competition.

4. Get the Necessary Tools

There are many digital marketing tools that can help you become a successful blogger. Make sure to undertake search engine optimization for your posts using tools such as Yoast SEO to gain visibility. You can also use tools like Google Analytics to understand traffic on your own site and optimize accordingly. Google Analytics features detailed analytics, including clicks, bounce rates, and user behavior, to help you identify how users are interacting with your content.

Tools like Canva can be handy for creating visually appealing graphics for your blog and social media platforms. For your email marketing needs, tools like MailChimp can help you build an email list and send out newsletters to your subscribers.

5. Choose a Web Hosting Provider

There are many different hosting companies with various deals available, so take the time to select a hosting company for your website. Most travel blogs are created on a self-hosted WordPress account, making them easy to set up. Look for a hosting provider that you can use with the WordPress platform to make it easy to set up and host basic pages of your blog.

Consider the uptime guarantee, speed, customer support, and scalability when choosing a web hosting provider. You want to ensure that as your blog grows, your hosting provider can accommodate that growth without compromising on performance.

6. Buy a Travel Blog Domain

Once you’ve chosen a hosting provider, go through their hosting plan in detail. You should purchase an exclusive domain name and domain privacy protection for your travel website. Some may have offers if you buy hosting, so look for exclusive deals to gain a free domain name for your travel blog.

Keep in mind that your domain name is part of your brand, so choose something that’s easy to remember, unique, and relevant to the content of your blog. A good domain name can contribute to your blog’s success by making it easier for people to find you online.

7. Create Your Travel Blog

Once you have the domain and hosting set up, you’re ready to start. Install WordPress to make it easy to set up and maintain your first blog posts. A WordPress blog is easy to format and post. You can also find additional tools on the WordPress dashboard to enhance your blog by adding WordPress plugins. You can use free themes for your WordPress site or a premium theme that you purchase for website design. If you’re not comfortable setting up your WordPress theme, you can work with a cheap web developer to get the website up and running with a free theme.

Familiarize yourself with the basics of web design and the user experience. Your blog should be easy to navigate, with a clear layout and intuitive menu structure. Keep in mind that your blog design should reflect your brand and make it easy for readers to find the information they’re looking for.

8. Organize Your Site

Now that your site is designed, you should use the WordPress content management system to organize your content and make it easy for users to find content on your site. Look at other professional websites to see how other bloggers have set up their website sections.

Ensure your site has essential pages such as an ‘About Me’ page, a ‘Contact’ page, and a ‘Disclaimer’ page. These pages help to build trust with your readers and also make it easier for brands and other bloggers to get in touch with you. Additionally, a well-organized site will help search engines to crawl your site more efficiently, improving your visibility in search engine results.

9. Write Your First Blog Post

The next step is to start writing your first blog and posting it. You can talk about exclusive travel tips, your experiences in a country, or really anything that you’d like. Focus on making it valuable for users, and include information you wish you had known beforehand to give users an exclusive look at your travel.

Remember to add a personal touch to your blog posts. Sharing your own experiences, thoughts, and insights can help to engage your readers and make your content stand out. Moreover, ensure that your content is well-researched and accurate. Providing valuable, reliable information will help you build credibility with your readers.

Developing a Content Strategy for Your Travel Blog

Creating a successful travel blog involves more than just sharing your travel experiences; it requires a well-thought-out content strategy. Here are key steps to develop one:

  • Identify Your Unique Angle: Determine what makes your blog different. Are you focusing on budget travel, luxury escapes, or off-the-beaten-path adventures? Your unique angle will guide your content.
  • Content Calendar Creation: Develop a content calendar to plan your posts. This can include destination guides, travel tips, personal stories, and photography showcases. Consistency is key in blogging, so decide how often you will post and stick to it.
  • Engaging Content: Your content should not only inform but also engage your audience. Use storytelling techniques to bring your travels to life. Include personal anecdotes, tips, and beautiful imagery.
  • Audience Interaction: Encourage audience interaction by ending posts with questions or prompts for comments. Engage with your readers by responding to comments and messages.
  • Diversify Content Types: Experiment with different types of content like videos, podcasts, or infographics to see what resonates most with your audience.
  • SEO Optimization: Incorporate SEO best practices to improve your blog’s visibility. Use relevant keywords, meta descriptions, and optimize your images.

10. Optimize Your Blog Post for SEO

Making sure search engines can find your posts helps you gain more followers as that can help with making money. Add in relevant keywords based on what people are searching for in travel blogs and the destinations you’re writing for. Posting regularly and optimizing for SEO as much as possible will help you grow your travel blog exponentially.

Along with optimizing your content, ensure you’re using alt tags for your images and that you have a responsive design for mobile users. This not only makes your blog more accessible to your readers, but it’s also a ranking factor for Google.

11. Publish Your Post

After you’ve written the post, it’s time to publish it. You’ll need to preview the formatting to ensure it shows up on the website correctly and hit publish. You can find helpful articles on publishing the blog on a free WordPress website if you’re unsure how to.

When you publish your post, make sure to include a compelling title and an interesting meta description. These elements are what potential readers will see in search engine results, and they can influence whether or not someone clicks through to read your post. Additionally, remember to double-check everything before hitting the publish button. Proofread your post for any grammar or spelling errors, and make sure all your links are working correctly.

12. Share on Social Media

Now that the blog is up, it’s time to promote it! Word-of-mouth marketing helps increase social media coverage to drive more views and traffic to your business. You can promote the post within your own network on any social media platform to start with. Ask for feedback to gauge whether people can tell how much effort you put in and what users would like to see so you can improve moving forward.

In addition to sharing your blog posts on your personal social media accounts, consider creating separate accounts for your blog. This can help you build a dedicated community of followers who are interested in your content. Remember to engage with your followers, reply to their comments, and encourage them to share your posts.

13. Grow Your Travel Blog

After the first post is published and promoted, you’re on your way to becoming a seasoned travel blogger. A successful blog is all about ensuring that you’re posting consistently and that users find your content valuable (and tell you that!). Encourage users to leave comments, like posts, and ask questions to build your following. Once you start seeing engagement, you can seek opportunities for sponsored posts and affiliate marketing to become a successful owner of your blog.

Finally, remember that growing a travel blog takes time and effort. Be patient, keep improving your skills, and don’t be discouraged if you don’t see immediate results. With dedication and a passion for travel, you can create a travel blog that stands out from the crowd.

What is a Travel Blog?

A travel blog is a website or online journal that documents the travels of one or more people. Travel blogs typically include travelogues, photographs, and videos, and they can be used to share travel tips, provide inspiration, or simply document the author’s personal experiences.

Travel blogs have become increasingly popular in recent years as more and more people have turned to the internet to plan their travels. Travel blogs can be a valuable resource for travelers, as they can provide insights into different destinations, offer recommendations on where to stay and what to do, and help travelers connect with other travelers.

There are many different types of travel blogs, and each blog has its own unique focus. Some travel blogs focus on a specific destination, while others focus on a particular type of travel, such as backpacking, luxury travel, or family travel. Some travel blogs are written by professional travel writers, while others are written by everyday travelers who share their experiences on a more personal level.

No matter what their focus is, all travel blogs share one common goal: to inspire and inform readers about travel. Travel blogs can help people to plan their next vacation, learn about new cultures, or simply dream about far-off places.

Here are some of the benefits of starting a travel blog:

  • Share your travel experiences with others. If you love to travel, a travel blog is a great way to share your experiences with others. You can write about your favorite places to visit, the best restaurants to eat at, and the hidden gems that you’ve found.
  • Help others plan their travels. Your travel blog can be a valuable resource for other travelers. You can share your tips on where to stay, what to do, and how to get around. You can also help people to find the best deals on flights and hotels.
  • Make money from your blog. There are a number of ways to make money from your travel blog. You can sell advertising, promote affiliate products, or offer travel services.
  • Build a community of travel enthusiasts. Your travel blog can be a great way to connect with other travel enthusiasts. You can share your experiences, ask questions, and get advice from other travelers.

Starting a travel blog can be a lot of fun, and it can also be a great way to share your love of travel with others.

Why You Should Start a Travel Blog

Becoming a travel blogger is one of the best ways to share your experiences, and it has many benefits, such as:

  1. Monetization: As you grow your following, you can monetize your blog through different avenues and earn money (which helps you travel more!) and create a profitable travel blog.
  2. Advice: You can share advice, helpful tips, and your experiences with others which can be beneficial for travel destination research.
  3. Memories: As you travel, you have a way to document your trips and preserve your adventures and memories online on your own blog.
  4. Connections: You can connect with other travelers online and offline by sharing your content on a serious travel blog, so you can get advice, meet new people, and have new experiences wherever you go through a travel blogging community.

Travel Blogging Tips

Tips for Creating and Growing a Travel Blog
Be youBe authentic and honest, build your unique brand
CommunicatePost consistently and keep followers updated on your plans
Maintain a social media presenceBe active on multiple platforms (Instagram, Facebook, YouTube, TikTok)
Plan aheadCreate a content schedule to avoid feeling stuck
Choose a nicheDecide on a specific focus for your travel blog
Write great contentProvide well-written, informative, and helpful posts
Use high-quality images and videosUse captivating and high-quality visual content
Promote your blogShare on social media, submit to travel directories, guest blog

Creating a successful travel blog is about consistency, value, and adding a unique voice to the mix. Here are some top tips to make your travel blog even better:

  • Be you: You can look at other blogs to get a sense of people’s styles, but ultimately, users are coming for your perspective. So be authentic and honest rather than trying to go for someone else’s style and build your unique brand.
  • Communicate: Posting consistently is a huge part of the blogging experience, but so is communication. Keep your followers updated on what you’re up to, what your plans are, and if there will be delays in the content.
  • Maintain a social media presence: A social media presence across different platforms ensures that you reach users where they are and have a solid following. Don’t just stick to one platform. Try to vary content across Instagram, Facebook, YouTube, and even TikTok to reach new audiences.
  • Plan ahead: It’s a lot of pressure to regularly create fresh content, which is why it’s crucial to plan and create a schedule. Even if it’s a loose plan, map out what you’d like to write about, so you’re not feeling stuck for content.
  • Choose a niche: What kind of travel blog do you want to create? Will you focus on a specific destination, type of travel, or travel style?
  • Write great content: Your travel blog should be well-written and informative. Share your personal experiences, but also provide helpful tips and advice.
  • Use high-quality images and videos: Images and videos can help to bring your travel blog to life. Make sure to use high-quality images that will capture the attention of your readers.
  • Promote your blog: Once you’ve created your travel blog, you need to promote it so that people can find it. Share your blog posts on social media, submit them to travel directories, and guest blog on other travel websites.

Monetization Strategies for Travel Bloggers

Turning your travel blog into a profitable venture involves exploring various monetization strategies:

  • Affiliate Marketing: Join affiliate programs where you earn a commission for products or services sold through links on your blog. Focus on affiliates that resonate with your travel niche.
  • Sponsored Content: Collaborate with travel brands or tourism boards to create sponsored posts. Ensure you maintain transparency with your audience about sponsored content.
  • Sell Digital Products: Create and sell digital products like travel guides, e-books, or online courses.
  • Advertising: Utilize display advertising on your blog. Google AdSense is a popular platform, but there are others to consider as well.
  • Freelance Writing: Offer your writing services to other publications or blogs. Use your blog as a portfolio to showcase your work.
  • Photography Sales: Sell your travel photography as prints or digital downloads.
  • Brand Partnerships: Develop long-term partnerships with brands that align with your travel style and audience.
  • Membership or Subscription Models: Offer exclusive content, discounts, or other benefits to subscribers or members for a fee.

Remember, it’s important to choose monetization strategies that align with your blog’s values and audience preferences to maintain trust and authenticity.

How much does it cost to start a travel blog?

The cost of starting a travel blog varies based on how much investment you’re willing to put in and how you set it up. Some of the main expenses include

  • Website hosting and domain name
  • Website development costs
  • Social media marketing
  • Travel blogging equipment such as a camera and mic

How do travel bloggers get paid?

A professional travel blogger can make money in different ways, depending on the type of content and user engagement. Some of the ways travel bloggers can get paid include:

  1. Sponsored content: Working with brands and destinations to create sponsored content based on needs
  2. Affiliate marketing: Gaining a commission from products sold through the blog, including clothing, equipment, travel essentials
  3. Subscriptions: Creating exclusive content and rewards for users that pay a monthly subscription fee

Is it worth starting a travel blog?

If you travel a lot and want to share your experiences, a travel blog can be a fun way to accomplish that. You can document your trips and gain enough of a following to start making some income from it. Of course, how much time and money you get from it will depend on the level of time and investment you’re willing to put in, but it can be worthwhile. If you’re unsure whether a travel blog is right for you, you can start one and run it for just a year and see how much traction you get before fully committing to it.


How do I start a travel blog?

Starting a travel blog involves several steps including: learning about travel blogging, choosing a niche, examining the competition, getting necessary digital tools, choosing a web hosting provider, buying a domain name, creating the blog, organizing your site, writing and optimizing your blog post for SEO, publishing your post, sharing it on social media, and growing your blog over time.

What is a good niche for a travel blog?

A good niche for a travel blog depends on your interests and experiences. Some popular niches include solo travel, budget travel, luxury travel, adventure travel, or focusing on a specific region or type of travel activity.

How often should I post on my travel blog?

As a general rule, you should aim to post at least once a week. This helps to keep your content fresh and encourages your readers to return to your blog regularly.

What digital tools do I need for my travel blog?

Some digital tools that can help you manage and grow your travel blog include SEO tools like Yoast SEO, analytic tools like Google Analytics, and social media platforms for promoting your content.

How do I choose a domain name for my travel blog?

Your domain name should ideally represent the content and feel of your travel blog. It should be unique, easy to remember, and easy to type.

How do I optimize my blog posts for SEO?

To optimize your blog posts for SEO, make sure to include relevant keywords in your content, meta descriptions, and image alt texts. Also, make sure to provide high-quality, original content, and ensure your site is fast and mobile-friendly.

How can I grow my travel blog?

Growing your travel blog involves consistently producing high-quality content, optimizing your posts for SEO, promoting your content on social media, and engaging with your readers.

Image: Depositphotos

This article, "How to Start a Travel Blog" was first published on Small Business Trends