Effects of supply chain learning on green innovation and moderating role of green transformational leadership
This study examines the effect of supply chain (SC) learning (i.e. supplier and customer learnings) on green innovation (i.e. green product and process innovations) and investigates the moderating role of green transformational leadership in the SC learning-green innovation linkage in the construction industry. Data are gathered from construction firms in Vietnam by a questionnaire survey. Hypotheses of the study framework are tested by hierarchical regression analysis. Both supplier and customer learnings have positive effects on green innovation (both green process and product innovations). Furthermore, green transformational leadership moderates the linkage between supplier learning and green innovation but does not moderate the linkage between customer learning and green innovation. Construction firms need to constantly develop capabilities of SC learning for promoting their green innovation. The present study is one of the first attempts in construction that investigates the importance of SC learning to achieving green innovation as well as the role of green transformational leadership for strengthening the effect of green learning on green innovation.
Tho Pham, Hai Thanh Pham
International Journal of Emerging Markets, Vol. ahead-of-print, No. ahead-of-print, pp.-
This study examines the effect of supply chain (SC) learning (i.e. supplier and customer learnings) on green innovation (i.e. green product and process innovations) and investigates the moderating role of green transformational leadership in the SC learning-green innovation linkage in the construction industry.
Data are gathered from construction firms in Vietnam by a questionnaire survey. Hypotheses of the study framework are tested by hierarchical regression analysis.
Both supplier and customer learnings have positive effects on green innovation (both green process and product innovations). Furthermore, green transformational leadership moderates the linkage between supplier learning and green innovation but does not moderate the linkage between customer learning and green innovation.
Construction firms need to constantly develop capabilities of SC learning for promoting their green innovation.
The present study is one of the first attempts in construction that investigates the importance of SC learning to achieving green innovation as well as the role of green transformational leadership for strengthening the effect of green learning on green innovation.