China president Xi urges promoting high-quality and sufficient employment conditions

More efforts should be made to enhance the sense of fulfilment, happiness and security among workersAt the same time, the Politburo is out saying that it will be necessary to deepen reform of the employment system. Adding that they will prioritise the goal for high-quality and sufficient employment in their economic measures.In the bigger picture, this ties back to the general happiness of the population and the overall demographic trends in China. The latter especially is not something that is encouraging, as China will want to avoid becoming the next Japan in the long run. This article was written by Justin Low at

China president Xi urges promoting high-quality and sufficient employment conditions
  • More efforts should be made to enhance the sense of fulfilment, happiness and security among workers

At the same time, the Politburo is out saying that it will be necessary to deepen reform of the employment system. Adding that they will prioritise the goal for high-quality and sufficient employment in their economic measures.

In the bigger picture, this ties back to the general happiness of the population and the overall demographic trends in China. The latter especially is not something that is encouraging, as China will want to avoid becoming the next Japan in the long run. This article was written by Justin Low at